This article has its good and bad points, but the third "criminological fallacy" listed is fallacious in itself. Is it true that it's not helping to assert that someone is not guilty of a crime they actually committed because of their race? Certainly. Does rehabilitation inextricably involve accepting that you've made bad decisions in the past? Again, true. But does any of this disprove or indeed have anything to do with the statement "The criminal justice system is biased against blacks"? It does not. It's a very difficult question to ask to what extent, and in what ways, the system may be biased racially - but we should not take it as a given that it is, incontrovertiably, nor should we glibly reject it based on the arguements in this article. And, of course, even if the system is biased (which I think it is), there are still going to be non-Caucasians in jail who are actually guilty.