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Friday, May 21, 2004 

Moldy oldie

There's this cool kind of music-related quiz I stole from Nat a while back I keep meaning to fill out. And I'm finally getting around to it now, since I haven't done much today.


xx.Do you enjoy depressing music?

If it's good, yes. I don't enjoy music that depresses me, of course, but good depressing music doesn't do that (although it may make you sad; that's different).

xx.What makes you sigh?

A lack of oxygen.

xx.How many hours a day, on average, do you spend feeling sorry for yourself?

0.01 The occasional bad day brings the average up.

xx.Who or what always brings you down?

Bills, bills bills.

xx.Do you wear glasses?


xx.What frightens you?

Things that aren't real.

xx.Do you wear sweaters all the time?

I don't think I own an actual "sweater", to tell the truth.

xx.How many times has your heart been broken?

It's been cracked a few times, but it's pretty resilient.

xx.What do you think of Dashboard Confessional?

I appreciate that's it's good/helpful/meaningful to some people, and I respect that, but to me it verges on self-parody.

xx.Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?


xx. Why not?

Hey, I didn't say I was emo.

xx. A crush?

Every so often.

xx. Why dont you tell her/him?

See three questions above this one. Momentary attraction does not warrant dumping someone in my books.

xx.Tell me about that time you broke that law:

I doing it right now.

xx.What or who pisses you off?

Too many to list.

xx.Sex or drugs or breaking stuff?

Awww, yeah. Assuming it's not my stuff.

xx.The Clash or The Ramones?

I love Joey and all, but the Clash were, are, and always will be The Only Band That Matters.

xx.What do you think about Anarchy?

Nice idea, shame about human nature.

xx.Tell me about a prank you played:

Are you saying I'm boring?

xx.Do you do things that are "bad for your body"?

I try not to. But nobody's perfect.

xx.How many times have/were you kicked out of your house?


xx.Are you in trouble all the time?

Only in my own mind.


xx.Do you want to die?

No. Wanting to die is either tragic (if it's beyond your control) or asinine.

xx.What do you think about graveyards?

Through no fault of their own, sad. Can be a good place to go if you want solitude, but that's a bit morbid. And you risk interrupting grieving families.

xx.Do you write poetry often?

Nope. And more importantly, I never try to.

xx.How much black clothing do you own?

About 1/3-1/2 of my t-shirts.

xx.What type of makeup do you wear?

That wacky nonexistent type.

xx.What do you think about pain?

To quote myself (I know, I know): "Attempting to avoid pain is impossible, ridiculous and, since it eventually leads to pain, counterproductive." It's not pleasant, but it is helpful. Assuming you listen to it.

xx.Masochism or sadism?

Flip a coin, I guess.

xx.How do you feel about the rest of the world?

Lady, I haven't even met the rest of the world, and you want me to tell you how I feel about it?

xx.Do you cry often?

No. That's really beyond my conscious control, though, eh?

xx.What do you think about vampires?

They don't exist, but thematically etc. they're pretty interesting. "It's not the band I hate, it's their fans" - Sloan.

xx.How messy are you in general?

Relatively so. But I'm not dirty.

xx.Do you bang your head on things repeatedly?

... no.

xx.What do you think of mullets?


xx.When did you start drinking alchohol?

When I was 18. I started late.

xx.Do you go to concerts often?

As often as I can.

xx.What bands rock your pants off?

Right now, to pick five: Zeebee, Clinic, Scott Walker, Audio Bullys, David Bowie.

xx.What do you think about violence?

Fake violence is interesting in all sorts of ways when used in art. The real stuff should be minimized as much as possible, but it's naive, I think, to think we'll ever rid ourselves of it.

xx.Who or what makes you homicidal?

Haven't killed anyone yet.

xx.Worship Satan or practice black magic?

Why would I do that? Neither exist, at least not in the form their practictioners tend to imagine.

xx.How wild are you in general?

How could I possibly answer this?


xx.Are you wearing any clean clothes right now?


xx.How often do you do the laundry, anyway?

We have a deal: I do the dishes, she does the laundry.

xx.Do you wear flannel shirts a lot?

Don't own any.

xx.When was the last time you showered?

Today. Twice.

xx.Do you speak clearly?

Unless I'm going too fast, yeah.

xx.Are you a lazy person?

Par excellence.

xx.Do you play any instruments?

I wish.

xxWho or what do you rant about a lot?

Music, philosophy, politics, art, random stuff.

xx.What do you think about Nirvana?

No music is worth that.


xx.What makes you different from the rest of them?

Same thing that makes them different from the rest of me.

xx.Who or what makes you bitter?

Surprisingly few things, these days.

xx.What was the last big decision you made?

You never notice them.

xx.Are you a happy-go-lucky type of person?

Probably not, although I'd love to be.

xx.What do you think about conformity?

The most simultaneously over- and under-valued character trait in the world.

xx.How hard do you work to get what you want?

Probably not hard enough.

xx.What do you resent?

Given enough time, everything.

xx.Why might some people consider you to be an asshole?

Because I'm loud and blunt.

And sometimes an asshole.

xx.Do you trust others?


xx.Are you a loyal friend?



xx.Do you live in the ghetto?


xx.Have you ever even held a gun before?

Not a real one.

xx.How much bling do you own?


xx.Would you rather have your best friend be a wangsta or a wigga?

Neither of those are likely to come up.

xx.Would you rather be bustin' caps or rollin' joints?

I'd rather someone else be rollin' my joints for me.

xx.Big butts or big boobs?

Big butts. Big boobs are the second most over-valued physical characteristic in Western society. Number one: Boniness.

xx.What's your best pickup line?

"Do you want to get some coffee or something sometime?"

What are these pickup lines you mortals speak of?

xx."Fo' Sho" or "Yeah, son"?

Fo' shizzle, ma nizzle.

xx.Ever been to prison?

No, not even to visit.


xx.Who or what makes you so excited you piss your pants?

It changes on a daily basis.

xx.Prep or Yuppie?

Uh.... I'm not a class warrior, but...

xx.How much money do you spend on bad music?

What a ridiculous question. Who buys music they think is bad?

xx.Justin Timberlake or Nick Carter?

How old is this quiz? Justin Timberlake's singles were pretty cool.

xx.How many of your friends still listen to NKOTB?

I haven't asked.

xx.Do you like mainstream music?

I'm praying for any singles this year to be as good as Lumidee's "Uh Oh".

xx.Do you want to be a pop diva?


xx.How many times, on average, do you say "like" in a sentence?

I've never counted.


Like, gag me with a spoon.

xx.Ditsy or just plain stupid?


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About me

Ian Mathers is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Stylus, the Village Voice, Resident Advisor, PopMatters, and elsewhere. He does stuff and it magically appears here.

Contact Me:
imathers at gmail dot com

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