The problem of Hitchens
Michael Kazin over at Dissent Magazine aptly sums up why it's both fun and discouraging to read him.
Ian Mathers is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Stylus, the Village Voice, Resident Advisor, PopMatters, and elsewhere. He does stuff and it magically appears here.
Contact Me:
imathers at gmail dot com
Hitchens' immense gifts as a rhetorician, pugilist, as well as his formidable erudition, make it quite impossible to argue with him. Read his latest Slate column.
Posted by
Alfred Soto |
7:09 PM
It's not impossible to argue with anyone. By chance I happened to read his latest Slate column today already - what am I to be looking for?
He's incredibly fun to read, a fearsome rhetorician (as you say) and often has excellent points to make. But his absolutism made me wary far before 9/11, and it's the reason I'll always enjoy but rarely agree with him.
Posted by
Ian |
9:26 PM