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Saturday, September 24, 2005 

Is gud dog?

I also bought some comic books today, including the collected edition of Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely's We3.

I am torn between praising it to the skies (as it deserves) and talking about how sick it made me feel. Not just because Morrison and Quitely depict the violence in a way that perfectly captures the chaos, mess and horror of it, but also just in the story. Wow, that's inadequate. If you've read it you might know what I mean. This is, of course, from the same writer who used the death of his cat as a springboard for one of the finest comics ever (if you haven't read Morrison's run on Animal Man, you wouldn't believe me if I told you about it), but the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach started on the first pages of We3 and only got worse.

It is one of the finest, most powerful works of art produced in the last couple of years. It deserves to be read by one and all. It is the closest art has ever come to making me want to be a vegetarian (and that's not even the story's real point). It is definitely the most affecting thing I've read in what, a decade? And I'm not sure I ever want to open it again, or more accurately if I could bear to.

Which means I probably should. The Filth will probably always be more my speed, but if Morrison deserves a place in history, this alone would have sufficed. Quitely responds with gorgeous drawings full of horrible things. It raises some serious issues without skimping on the "action" scenes (although those scenes have rarely been harder to take), but all of this is just talking around the central horror of the thing.

Just read it.

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Ian Mathers is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Stylus, the Village Voice, Resident Advisor, PopMatters, and elsewhere. He does stuff and it magically appears here.

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imathers at gmail dot com

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