This morning, after decimating the first round of music trivia at the bar last night and not getting enough sleep (...again), my brain is only working at about 3/4 speed. But I don't mean it at all in some sort of patronizing or insulting way when I say that Jonathan Bradley's (now a member of the Seven!) tasty creations are exactly what I want to hear right now. I don't know how many of the archives are available for download still, but everything he's screwed and chopped has been at least interesting, and at it's best (say, Architecture In Helsinki's "Like A Call") has turned a good song into a great one. Plus, you know, it's the modern dub. Or something.
hey... i've got to give my belated thanks for the shout out! (interestingly, 3/4 speed is about what my screw is usually at, so, no wonder it synchs so well on those sleepless mornings, right?)
Posted by
Jonathan |
11:29 PM
Absolutely. Nice to know what the precise ratio is, that's about what I would have guessed.
Posted by
Ian |
12:33 AM