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Wednesday, July 27, 2011 




Oh God... They've got you too!

"One of us! One of us! Gooboo gaboo, gooboo gaboo!"

AAAAACCCCKKK, to comment on a Tumblr post you need to be signed on to Tumblr?!?

You can't even comment?!? What am I missing???

There are third-party comments you can add (and I should get around to that, yes), but generally you need to have a tumblr unless the person has put in something like Disqus to handle it.

Join ussssss

Now this show is not without problems. I'll be the first to admit it. losmovies It's very basic premise and sometimes convenient plot turns are not lost on me. Two monster hunting brothers travel cross country and extinguish a different monster each week. Not too much on the original side, I know. However, I can't help but watch this show every week with a fondness for my old junior high days. For those who don't know I was a huge sci-if/horror geek in my younger years and I loved reading about "The Crazy Hook Man who kills Teenagers" or "The Ghost of the Lady in White". 123movies I ate those stories up, and apparently so did the show's creator. This show takes me back to the years before I learned what character arcs, and plot contrivances were. It strips that all away and just lets me enjoy what it was like to hear ghost stories. What it was like to get chills down my spine every time I rode down a dark road at night expecting an apparition in white to appear.

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Ian Mathers is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Stylus, the Village Voice, Resident Advisor, PopMatters, and elsewhere. He does stuff and it magically appears here.

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imathers at gmail dot com

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