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My review of the new-ish Goslings record is up. What a band.
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Ian Mathers is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Stylus, the Village Voice, Resident Advisor, PopMatters, and elsewhere. He does stuff and it magically appears here.
Contact Me:
imathers at gmail dot com
Really nice review Ian. You did a good job of describing what they do, but more importantly, you gave a reason to listen to what they do. Most reviews these days tell the reader what something is but not why it is worth their time. Description is good (I know what touchstones work to make me interested), but particularly with things that may not seem to be "my bag", a few well-argued reasons to give it a shot are even more important.
I don't know if you ever check out the "reviews" section of the forums at stonerrock.com, but it is the community giving impressions to each other, and I've come across more reviews based on "why I should listen" than the "this is what is is and it works/fails for me thusly" style.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:12 AM
Hey, thanks - personally I think the middle part of the review doesn't flow very well, but you and Max from the band haven't seemed to notice, which is nice (and characteristic - writers routinely obsess over "flaws" no-one else can see).
You make a good, interesting point about the difference/line between description and... I don't know what to call it. Proselytizing? I do it a fair bit, actually (see my Electric Six review, for example), and as long as you're going overboard with it, I think it's good for criticism...
Anyways, thanks. I'd love to check out the boards at that site, but we'll have to see how much free time I have.
Posted by
Ian |
6:15 PM