Redeeming qualities
I hate (and delete) comment spam, but it's kind of cool when it gets you to re-read old stuff that's actually good. My Floating World piece on Sloan's Twice Removed had a couple of typos that bugged the shit out of me, but (I think) it's all fixed now, and although it was written from a very different time in my life it holds up pretty well. I think. I kind of wish I had put it up on Stylus now, although I'm not sure if it's too personal for that.
Nice review. I quite like personal writing about music. Probably because (like you said in your criticism piece) that's the level music hits you first; the thinking comes later.
So, you're not going to believe this (especially since I'm a fellow Canadian) but I've never heard a single note of Sloan beyond a couple singles.
Wanna make me a list? I'll download them and burn a mix...
Posted by
Jack Lucas |
11:25 PM
...or I could just make the mix myself and either YSI it to you or even just send over a CDR. I've got the CDs here, so it wouldn't take very long.
Posted by
Ian |
7:16 AM
well, that'd be even better. YSI or mail will both work -whichever suits you best.
Posted by
Jack Lucas |
9:14 AM
Done and done. You can do me a favour, though; tell me what singles you know, and whether you like them. I'd prefer to avoid putting any songs you hate in the mix.
Posted by
Ian |
10:15 AM
The Good in Everyone (like)
Everything you've done wrong (like)
The rest of my life (kinda hate)
losing california (is that what it's called?) (like)
Posted by
Jack Lucas |
6:32 PM
I've never heard the one you hate, and the first two were so inescapable I'm not a big fan of them anymore. "Losing California" though (and yes that's the title) is classic. I will get to work on this soon.
Posted by
Ian |
10:38 PM