This is entertainment, this is fun
My Seconds piece on "Nag Nag Nag" is up, complete with tales of Pete's van and New Orleans Pizza.
NB. Any slight distortions or errors of historical fact are caused by the warm glow of nostalgia and are not deliberate.
NB. Any slight distortions or errors of historical fact are caused by the warm glow of nostalgia and are not deliberate.
Ah highschool... I do remember Pete listening to 'With Portfolio' through headphones attached to his computer, and cranked to MAXIMIM volume. Even across the room you could differentiate which side of the headphones the noise was coming from, and they were RIGHT on Pete's ears....
Of course, then there's the road trip to see Primal Scream and all the drama that involved.
Stupid vice principal insisted on having my parents sign a release form before I could cut class at which point I told her I had no parents in the province, and she could bite it. "We're going to see Primal Scream"
Love it.
Posted by Gordon | 2:11 PM
That was such an awesome day.
I still remember my dad pointing out the concert in this supplement in the Toronto Star, and me getting upset about it. He asked what the problem was, and I said the problem was the concert was in the middle of the week, and I couldn't get there in time after classes.
He looks at me like I'm retarded and tells me to just skip school and go to the concert - which I'd considered, but had assumed he'd never go for. Silly me.
Posted by Ian | 3:25 PM