I'd like to believe this
See, I don't just sleep late for no reason - I'm creative!
(although, really, it's just one more study - and stuff like this makes me remember how dubious I think psychology can get: "Being in a situation which diverges from conventional habit — nocturnal types often experience this situation — may encourage the development of a non-conventional spirit and of the ability to find alternative and original solutions")
(although, really, it's just one more study - and stuff like this makes me remember how dubious I think psychology can get: "Being in a situation which diverges from conventional habit — nocturnal types often experience this situation — may encourage the development of a non-conventional spirit and of the ability to find alternative and original solutions")
Why dubious? This is a correlational study, so nobody's saying that being a night owl causes creativity. That quotation was probably taken from the discussion section of the study where the authors discuss possible explanations and suggest directions for further research (which would presumably be experimental and could possibly offer causal explanations).
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:14 AM
Dubious in the "one study does not proof make" sense, that's all.
Posted by
Ian |
10:08 PM
One correlational study (in any discipline) doesn't make a proof.
I think I'm missing your point.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:47 AM