New lows
I mean racism, sexism, homophobia et al are obviously harmful, baseless, evil things. But discrimination against a family because they're ginger? That's weird and pathetic in addition to the above. I hope it works out okay for the family in question and all their red-headed brethren.
Let my people go.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:19 PM
It doesn't really reflect very well on my home town, does it?
Posted by
Ben |
8:23 PM
Hehehe. Fair enough. We used to play 'knock down ginger' when we were young, but with a twist. Me, being ginge, and a few friends used to go knock on peoples doors, when they answered shout "Knock down ginga", as you do, the punch me in the face. Just to confuse the shit out of people.
Posted by
Meatbreak |
8:13 AM
That sounds surprisingly fun, meat.
Posted by
Ian |
10:58 PM