Think long
My review of the Mates of State/Black Kids concert I covered for PopMatters is up today.
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Ian Mathers is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Stylus, the Village Voice, Resident Advisor, PopMatters, and elsewhere. He does stuff and it magically appears here.
Contact Me:
imathers at gmail dot com
ooh, ick, sounds like a drag, never got the Black Kids phenomenon myself...but nice write-up. you seem to have captured the vibe, such as it was.
Posted by
jenniferpkelly |
12:11 PM
Thanks! I feel kind of bad about being a little underwhelmed by a show I got into for free, but them's the brakes. It doesn't help that in the interim between requesting the show and seeing it I discovered that Matt & Kim are basically what I had secretly always wished Mates of State are (that's thanks to you, by the way).
Posted by
Ian |
12:48 PM
"them's the brakes"?????????????????
Posted by
dad |
7:00 PM
Aw jeeze. Not quite sure where my head was at there.
Posted by
Ian |
7:10 PM