And I'm not even mentioning the bowling ball
So yesterday we went to Ribfest for, not ribs, but pulled pork sandwiches. I had one then and one for breakfast this morning (as did Ben); delicious stuff. There was a pretty competant Tragically Hip cover band playing, and it was kind of weird to hear "New Orleans Is Sinking" in public for the first time since Katrina; that song definitely has this weird kind of power now that it never used to.
After that to Wes and Christina's new house to watch the UFC (four out of five matches were pretty spectacular), and then we played Wes' new copy of Dead Rising... sure, you can go do missions. Or you can just spend hours running around a mall stocked with infinite zombies and infinite weapons. On the one hand it can be kind of funny; on the other, it's the purest form of "survival horror" I've ever played, especially once the lights go off and the zombies' eyes start glowing red.
I'm not unequivocally a fan of the XBox 360 now, but it was pretty impressive, especially the way the zombies moved and sounded. And the sandbox aspect of the game was pretty impressive; I would imagine gamers in general love the kind of immersiveness you get with games like this.
Take for example the time I ran around smacking zombies with a succession of park benches (rendering them into kindling, of course). When the last one broke the lights were out and I was suddenly surrounded by a crowd of them but I managed to use a hunting knife to hack through them to the nearest empty store. Unfortunately I discovered this was a toy store, and the only thing I could grab was a water gun and then the heavy, bulky cash register. Using it I manage to bash my way back out of the store; it breaks after a couple of hits so I pull out the water gun and stun the zombie in front of me with a shot to the eyes, giving me enough time and space to run up to him, jump, and kick him in the face. The kick doesn't come even close to killing him, but it sends him flying into the knot of zombies knocking most of them over. I manage to run most of the way through before one lurches up and grabs me, biting me in the neck (unlike a lot of zombie movies and the like, the infection isn't transmitted by bodily fluids or anything like that - as long as you find healing items you can take near infinite amounts of damage without turning); I shake him off, but I'm not doing well. Thankfully I'm through the press of undead and it's pretty clear sailing to the stairs, where another kick jump kick to the face lets me get up to the second level where it's relatively quiet, especially around the coffee shop where I can find food to heal me. From there I can try and find the sporting good store to get a baseball bat, or try to figure out where the hardware store is, or even try and get back to the one actual safe area in the game, but in any case I should probably grab a chair to kill the next couple of zombies I face.
And if you don't think that's a thrilling video game experience, I'm afraid you're beyond my help.
After that to Wes and Christina's new house to watch the UFC (four out of five matches were pretty spectacular), and then we played Wes' new copy of Dead Rising... sure, you can go do missions. Or you can just spend hours running around a mall stocked with infinite zombies and infinite weapons. On the one hand it can be kind of funny; on the other, it's the purest form of "survival horror" I've ever played, especially once the lights go off and the zombies' eyes start glowing red.
I'm not unequivocally a fan of the XBox 360 now, but it was pretty impressive, especially the way the zombies moved and sounded. And the sandbox aspect of the game was pretty impressive; I would imagine gamers in general love the kind of immersiveness you get with games like this.
Take for example the time I ran around smacking zombies with a succession of park benches (rendering them into kindling, of course). When the last one broke the lights were out and I was suddenly surrounded by a crowd of them but I managed to use a hunting knife to hack through them to the nearest empty store. Unfortunately I discovered this was a toy store, and the only thing I could grab was a water gun and then the heavy, bulky cash register. Using it I manage to bash my way back out of the store; it breaks after a couple of hits so I pull out the water gun and stun the zombie in front of me with a shot to the eyes, giving me enough time and space to run up to him, jump, and kick him in the face. The kick doesn't come even close to killing him, but it sends him flying into the knot of zombies knocking most of them over. I manage to run most of the way through before one lurches up and grabs me, biting me in the neck (unlike a lot of zombie movies and the like, the infection isn't transmitted by bodily fluids or anything like that - as long as you find healing items you can take near infinite amounts of damage without turning); I shake him off, but I'm not doing well. Thankfully I'm through the press of undead and it's pretty clear sailing to the stairs, where another kick jump kick to the face lets me get up to the second level where it's relatively quiet, especially around the coffee shop where I can find food to heal me. From there I can try and find the sporting good store to get a baseball bat, or try to figure out where the hardware store is, or even try and get back to the one actual safe area in the game, but in any case I should probably grab a chair to kill the next couple of zombies I face.
And if you don't think that's a thrilling video game experience, I'm afraid you're beyond my help.
but was there coleslaw on the sandwiches?
Posted by
Lady K! : |
9:49 AM
Well, they did sell coleslaw, so I could have done that. But I didn't even remember it, let alone try it.
Posted by
Ian |
11:16 AM